Spells, and Curses dictionary
Accio (AK-see-oh or A-see-oh)
"Summoning Charm"
"accio" L. send for, summon
Causes an object to fly to the caster, even over quite some distance. It would seem that the caster must know at least
the general location of the object Summoned.
Age Line
no incantation given
A thin golden line drawn on a floor, which affects anyone who crosses it if they are too young (Presumably, the Age Line
could also be set up to prevent someone to cross who was older than a given age.)
Alohomora (AL-o-ho-MOR-ah)
"aloha" Haw. Farewell + "mora" L. obstacle
Charm that causes a locked door to open.
Animagus (an-i-MAH-jus OR an-i-MAY-jus)
"animal" L. animal + "magus" Pers. magic user
A wizard or witch who can transform into an animal; very rare.
Plural: Animagi(an-i-MAH-jye OR an-i-MAH-gee)
Anti-cheating spells
no names or words given
cast on quills before exams.
Anti-gravity mist
no incantation given
Charm which creates an innocent-looking mist which hovers above the ground. A person stepping into this mist immediately
finds that up and down have reversed and they are hanging from the ground over the endless sky.
Aparecium (a-par-EE-see-um)
"appareo" L. to appear
Makes invisible ink become visible.
Apparition (A-pa-RI-shun)
Apparate, Disapparate
"appareo" L. to appear
Advanced spell used by fully trained wizards to disappear from one place and appear almost instantly somewhere else.
Arrows, wand
no incantation given
Shoots arrows out of a wand.
Avada Kedavra (uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh)
"Killing Curse"
Aramaic: "adhadda kedhabhra" - "let the thing be destroyed".
NOTE: Abracadabra is a cabbalistic charm in Judaic mythology that is supposed to bring healing powers. One of its sources
is believed to be from Aramaic avada kedavra, another is the Phoenician alphabet (a-bra-ca-dabra).
Causes instant death in a flash of green light.
Avis (AH-vis)
"avis" L. bird
conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.
Babbling Curse
no incantation given
Exact effect not mentioned, but one can assume it causes the victim to babble.
Banishing Charm
reverse of "Summoning Charm"
no incantation given
sends an object away from the caster.
Bat-Bogey Hex
"Curse of the Bogies"
no incantation given
Engorges an opponent's 'bogies' to bat-size, gives them wings, and sets them to attacking his or her face.
Bewitched Sleep
no incantation given
Puts someone into a deep sleep; subjects are in a state almost like suspended animation and do not breathe for the duration
of the spell.
Binding/Fastening magic
no incantation given
Spells, which fasten, chains or ropes to restrain someone or something.
Blasting Curse
no incantation given
Useful spell for Wizarding Duels.
Bluebell flames
"bluebell" flower with blue blossoms
Creates a quantity of blue flame, which can be directed to a specific place.
No incantation given
Spell which pours non-bursting golden bubbles out of the wand.
Bubble-Head Charm
No incantation given
Encloses the head of the caster with a bubble of breathable air.
Canary transfiguration hex
No incantation given
A temporary hex to change someone into a giant canary. After a few moments, the transfigured person molts back into themselves.
Candle magic
No incantation used
This minor spell ignites candles and can make them float in midair.
Chains, magical
No incantation used
This spell causes magical chains to snake out of a chair and bind a person to it.
Cheering Charm
No incantation given
A charm that cheers a person up, makes them happy.
Confundus Charm (con-FUN-dus)
"Confundo" L. to perplex
Causes confusion. A person who is affected by this Charm is said to be Confunded.
Conjunctivitis Curse
"Conjunctiva" L. connecting (as in membrane of the eye) + "-itis" L. inflammation
A spell that affects the eyes and vision of the target.
Conjured items
No incantation used
A spell that creates objects out of thin air.
Contract, magical
No incantation given
This spell or spells makes a contract magically unbreakable.
Cross-Species Switches
Classification of Transfiguration magic in which one type of creature is transfigured into another.
Cruciatus Curse (KROO-see-AH-tus)
"Cruciatus" L. torture (n.)
Crucio (KROO-see-oh)
"Cruciatus Curse"
"Crucio" L. torment (v.)
One of the "Unforgiveable Curses," this spell causes the victim to suffer almost intolerable pain. Some victims of prolonged
use of this curse have been driven insane.
Curse of the Bogies
"Bogy" uncertain origin: "Old Bogey" = The Devil c. 1836; "bogle" Scottish phantom or goblin c. 1505 and "bogge" terror,
possibly from "bwg" Welsh ghost and "bwgwl" fear
Yeah, maybe. But more likely:
"Bogey" British slang: booger
Effect unknown.
Cushioning Charm
Incantation unknown
The Cushioning Charm creates an invisible "pillow" on the handle of the broom to make flying more comfortable.
* Invented by Elliot Smethwyk in 1820.
Dark Mark
Defensive charge
No incantation needed; automatic response
A charge like that of electricity runs through the body of a Wizard with this automatic defensive spell.
Defensive Charm
No incantation given
Aside from the fact that it is a spell to defend the caster, little is known about the actual effects produced by this
* Fulbert the Fearful died in 1097 when the Defensive Charm he cast to protect himself backfired.
Deletrius (deh-LEE-tree-us )
"Deleterius" L. destroy, eradicate
Erases the ghost images of spells revealed by the Priori Incantatem spell. Possibly can be used to remove other spell effects
as well.
Densaugeo ( den-sah-OO-gi-oh )
"Dens" L. tooth + "augeo" L. grow
Curse which causes the victim's teeth to enlarge grotesquely.
Diffindo (dih-FIN-doe)
"Diffindo" L. cleave, open
Spell that cuts something opens.
Disapparate (dis-AP-a-rate)
"dis-" opposite of, from L. "apart" + "appareo" L. to appear
Apparition, as seen from the place a wizard is leaving.
Disillusionment Charm
"Disillusion" Eng. to lose faith
A charm which hides the true, magical nature of something.
Dissendium (dis-EN-dee-um)
Uncertain: "dissocio" L. to sever or divide? Possibly similar in sound to "descend."
"Dissocio" in its verb form means, "to part" or "to seperate" the word "en" can mean both "here!" and "look!" Dium, of
course, refers to the sun and normally translates as "day" or "today" but I have seen it used as a command to mean "now."
So together Dissendium could mean "part/separate here, now!"
Opens the secret door in the statue of the humped witch.
Door opening spell
No incantation used
Sends a jet of sparks out of the wand, which opens a door.
Drought Charm
No incantation given
Dries up water.
Enchanted Snow
No incantation given
A magical imitation snow which, unlike real snow, is warm and dry.
Engorgio (en-GOR-gee-oh)
"Engorgement Charm"
"Engorger" Fr. swallows greedily
Spell which causes the target to swell in size.
Ennervate (EN-er-vayt)
"En-" Old French from "in-" L. cause to be + "nerves" Eng. c.1603 strength, from "nervus" L. nerve
Spell used to revive a person who has been hit by a Stunner.
Entrancing Enchantments
No incantation given
Spells that cause someone to fall in love with the caster.
Expecto Patronum (ex-PEK-toh pa-TROH-num)
"Patronus Charm"
"expecto" L. expect or look for + "patronus" Medieval L. patron saint, symbolizing a patron or assistant
ALTERNATE ETYMOLOGY: "expecto" L. to expel from the chest, i.e. send forth from one's self.
Conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is the embodiment of the positive thoughts
of the caster. A Patronus will drive away Dementors.
Expelliarmus (ex-pel-ee-AR-mus)
"Disarming Spell"
"Expelo" L. to drive out + "arma" L. weapon
Causes opponent's weapon to fly out of their hand.
Extinguishing Spell
No incantation given
Spell that puts out fires.
Spell that makes an object weighs practically nothing.
Ferula (feh-ROO-lah)
"Ferule" alt. spelling of "ferrule" Eng. wooden handle for strength or protection, from "ferula" L. fennel plant
Spell that conjures a wooden rod.
Fidelius Charm (fih-DAY-lee-us)
"fidelis" L. trusty, faithful
Complex and powerful charm that hides a person or persons completely; their location is known only to their designated
"Secret Keeper."
Finite Incantatum (fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tum)
"finio" L. settle, end, die + "incantationem" L. the art of enchanting
Stops currently operating spell effects.
Fire Talking
No incantation given
Using a Wizard's fire, a person can communicate with another over distance. The head of the person making contact appears
in the midst of the flames and they can hold a conversation and even interact physically with the person they are connecting
Flame Freezing Charm
No words given
Changes the properties of fire so that it's heat feels like a warm breeze.
Flashing Paint Charm
No incantation given
This "tricky little charm" makes the paint on a banner flash different colors.
Flying magic
No incantation given
While "[n]o spell yet devied enables wizards to fly unaided in human form" (QA), various spells create flying effects.
Fountain of Wine
No incantation given
A spell which produces a fountain of wine from the end of the wand.
Four-Point Spell
"Point me"
A simple spell, performed with the wand lying flat on the open palm of the caster. When the words are spoken, the wand
rotates to point north.
Fur Spell
No incantation given
A spell that causes a person to grow fur.
Furnunculus (fur-NUN-kyoo-lus)
Related to "furnus" L. oven?
Related to "furunculus" L. which means "petty thief" and is the basis of the English word "furuncle," which is a fancy
name for "boil" (as in a skin lesion, not the verb for the point at which a liquid becomes a gas). Obviously, at some point,
wizards decided it was easier to say the spell when they threw in the extra "n" after the letters f-u-r. Submitted by Claire
T. Nollet
Curse that causes boils to break out all over the victim.
A form of magic or class of spells that defend the caster against hexes.
Homorphus Charm
"homo" Gr. the same + "morph": Eng. change shape [force a werewolf NOT to change]
"homo" L. man + "morph": Eng. change shape [force werewolf into human shape]
A good Charm to use against a werewolf. Its exact effects aren't given.
Horn Tongue
No incantation given
Conjures a horn on the target's tongue. What good this would do anyone is unclear....
Horton-Keitch Braking Charm
No incantation given
Makes a racing broom easier to handle.
Hover Charm
No incantation given
Makes an object float in the air.
Hurling Hex
No spell words given
A nasty kind of curse that could be placed on a broom which would cause the rider to be thrown off, presumably.
Impedimenta (im-ped-ih-MEN-tah)
"Impediment Curse"
"Im-" prefix from L. not +
Stops an object or slows it down.
Imperturbable Charm (IM-per-TUR-ba-bul)
"Im-" prefix from L. not + "perturbo" to change
Creates a magical barrier on an object, such as a door.
Impervius (im-PER-vee-us)
"Im-" prefix from L. not + "pervius" L. letting things through
Makes something waterproof or water repellent.
Imperio (im-PAIR-ee-oh )
"Imperius Curse"
"Impero" L. order, govern, command
One of the "Unforgiveable Curses," this spell causes the victim to be completely under the command of the caster, who can
make them do anything they wish.
Incendio (in-SEN-dee-o)
"Incendo" L. to set fire to
Starts a fire.
Insect Jinx
No incantation given
Sprouts feelers on the victim's head, makes them unable to talk and have to scuttle along the ground.
Instant Scalping
No incantation given
As the name suggests, this hex removes hair.
Jelly-Legs Jinx
No incantation given
Causes the target's legs to wobble uncontrollably.
Killing Curse
"Avada Kedavra"
The Avada Kedavra Curse. One of the Unforgivable Curses.
Knee-Reversing Hex
No incantation given
Causes the target's knee to become backwards.
Leek Curse
No incantation given
Results in leeks growing out of the target's ears.
Legilimens (le-JIL-i-menz)
"Legens" L. reader + "mens" L. mind
See Legliimency.
Various spells
Levitation allows a person or an object to float up to five feet above the ground.
Library book spells
No incantation given
Madam Pince puts a variety of spells and curses on the books in the Hogwarts library to make sure that kids don't damage
them. (At least, not twice...)
Light Spell
No incantation used
Appearing with a soft, crackling sound, this spell creates a handful of shimmering light.
Lightening spell
no incantation given
causes an object to become less heavy and thereby easier to carry.
Locomotor Mortis (lo-co-MO-tor MOR-tis)
"Leg-Locker Curse"
"Loco" L. from a place + "motionem" L. motion + "mortis" L. death
Locks together the legs of the victim, making him unable to walk.
Lumos (LOO-mos)
"Lumen" L. light
Causes a small beam of light to shine from the end of the caster's wand.
Lumos Solarum (LOO-mos so-LAR-um)
"Lumos" L. light + "sol" L. sun
Generates a brilliant blast of light, as bright as the sun.
Memory Charm
Messenger Spell
No incantation used
Sends a magical messenger to someone in the form of a silvery dart, rather like a small, ghostly bird.
Mobiliarbus (MO-bi-lee-AR-bus)
"Mobilis" L. movable + "arbor" L. tree
Moves a tree.
Mobilicorpus (MO-bi-lee-COR-pus)
"Mobilis" L. movable + "corpus" L. body
Moves a body.
Morsmordre (mors-MOR-druh)
"The Dark Mark"
"mors" L. death + "mordere" L. to bite
Conjures an immense glowing skull in the sky, comprised of green sparks. There is a snake coming out of the skull's mouth.
* This spell is known only to Death Eaters, who send it up in the sky when they kill. The Dark Mark is seen at the Quidditch
World Cup in 1994, conjured up by Barty Crouch Jr. using Harry's wand.
Muggle Repelling Charms
No incantation given
Spells cast to keep Muggles away from a place or object.
Nox (noks)
"Nox" L. night
Turns off the light from a "Lumos" spell.
Obliviate (oh-BLI-vee-ate)
"Memory Charm"
"Oblivisci" L. forget
Modifies or erases portions of a person's memory.
* These spells are used routinely by the Ministry of Magic as they work to keep the Wizarding World a secret from the Muggles.
"Occulto" - L. to hide, conceal, cover + "mens" - L. mind
Specialized branch of magic, not usually taught at Hogwarts, which consists of protecting one's mind against outside intrusion.
Oculus Reparo (AH-kyoo-lus re-PAR-oh)
"oculus" L. eye + "reparare" L. repair, restore
Simple spell which repairs a pair of eyeglasses.
Orchideous (or-KID-ee-us )
"Orchideae" L. name for the orchid plant family
Conjures a bouquet of flowers out of the end of a wand.
A spell which causes items to assemble themselves into a trunk.
A silvery-white, conjured creature created by using the Patronus Charm. The Patronus is used against Dementors and Lethifolds.
Patronus Charm (pa-TROH-nus)
"Patronus" Medieval L. patron saint.
Pepper Breath
No incantation given
This charm gives a person firey hot breath.
Peskipiksi Pesternomi (pes-kee PIK-see pes-ter-NO-mee)
"Freezing Charm"?
"pesky" + "pixie" + "pester" + "no" + "me"
Lockhart's version of a Freezing Charm.
"Petrificare" L. to make into stone, from "Petra" L. rock
Not a spell so much as a magical effect, caused by seeing the reflected eyes of a Basilisk.
* The Petrifaction effect resembles death, except that the victim is still alive, as if in suspended animation. It takes
careful examination to discern whether a victim is in fact Petrified instead of dead. If a ghost is petrified is turns a dark
smokey gray and can only be moved by the use of a fan. The antidote is made from mandrake roots (CS9).
Petrificus Totalus (pe-TRI-fi-cus toe-TAH-lus)
"Full Body Bind"
"Petrificare" L. to make into stone + "totalis" L. entire
Turns the entire body of the victim rigid.
Prior Incantato (prye-OR in-can-TAH-toe)
Also: Priori Incantatem
"Reverse Spell Effect"
"Prior" L. former, earlier, preceeding + "incantatare" L. to bewirtch or enchant
Can be cast as a spell, ("Prior Incantato"), in which case it forces a wand to emit a ghost image of the last spell it
cast. The images can be dispelled using the Deletrius spell.
When two wands are forced to duel which have core material from the same single animal, the result will be "Priori Incantatem,"
a display in sequence of the last spells one of the wands cast. Which wand will show the spell effect depends on the willpower
of the two wizards involved.
Quidditch spells
No incantation given
Several charms are used to make the game of Quidditch possible:
Quietus (KWY-uh-tus)
Reverse: Sonorus
"Quietus" L. quiets, peaceful
* Reverses the effect of the Sonorus spell, making the caster's voice normal in volume.
Reducio (re-DOO-see-oh)
Reverse: Engorgio
"Redusen" Middle Eng. diminish, from "reducer" Old Fr. bring back to the source, from" reducere" L. bring, lead
Causes an object to return to it's normal size.
Reductor Curse
From "redusen" Middle English, borrowed from Old French and Latin, c. 1380: to bring down
Blasts solid objects out of the caster's path.
"Rilascio" It. - to release, to relax, to issue
Releases a jet of firey sparks. Underwater, this spell fires a jet of boiling water.
Reparo (re-PAR-oh)
"Reparare" L. repair, restore
Undoes damage to an object.
Restoring Spell
No incantation used
Forces an Animagus who has transformed into animal form to revert to their human form. The spell's effect is a bright blue-white
flash of light.
Rictusempra (ric-tu-SEM-pra)
"Tickling Charm"
"Rictus" L. gaping mouth, grin + "sempra" L. always
Causes a person to laugh uncontrollably.
Riddikulus (ri-di-KYOO-lus)
"Ridiculum" L. joke, from "ridere" L. to laugh
Defense against a Boggart, forces the creature to take on a silly appearance.
Room-sealing spell
No incantation given
Seals a room with a powerful charm that none but a powerful wizard could break.
Ropes, magical
No incantation used
Sends out magical ropes from a wand, which ties up someone firmly.
Rowboat spell
No incantation used
Propels a rowboat along without oars.
Scourgify (SKUR-ji-fy)
Cleans things.
Scouring Charm
"Scourgify" (?)
Cleans things, fingernails, for example.
Serpensortia (ser-pen-SOR-sha)
"Serpens" L. serpent + "sortir" Old Fr. to go out
Causes a large serpent to burst from the end of the caster's wand.
Severing Charm
No incantation given
Spell to cut something.
Shield Charm
No incantation given
This spell creates a magical barrier, which will deflect hexes thrown at the caster.
Silencio (sil-EN-see-oh)
"Silencing Charm"
A charm which causes something to be silent.
Slug Curse
No incantation given (no, it's not "eat slugs")
Causes the victim to belch up slugs.
Sonorus (so-NO-rus)
Reverse: Quietus
"Sonorus" L. loud
Makes the caster's voice carry over long distances.
Stupefy (STOO-puh-fye)
"Stunner" "Stupefying Charm"
reverses: "Ennervate"
"stupefacio" L. to make senseless, from "stupeo" L. stunned
renders the target of the spell unconscious.
Switching Spells
Various, depending on the transfiguration intended
A classification of Transfiguration spells.
Talon-clipping charm
No incantation given
A charm used for dragon care.
Tarantallegra (TAIR-an-tuh-LEG-ruh)
"Tarantella" It. dance associated with the tarantula, from Taranto, a city in Italy + "allegro" It. fast
Forces the victim's legs to do a crazy dance.
Thief's Curse
No incantation given
An unspecified bit of nastiness which can be cast on someone who steals something.
Time Travel
No incantation used; by magical device only
An extremely dangerous magical effect allows a person to travel back in time. Because of the potential for catastrophe
should history be altered, time travel is all but forbidden in Wizarding society. Certain magical devices are usable for time
travel, but access to them is strictly controlled.
Transmogrifian Torture
"Trans" L. across +?
"Transmogrify" Eng. verb c.1656, from L. to change or alter greatly and often with grotesque or humorous effect
(c.f. Calvin and Hobbes: his "duplicating machine" is called a Transmogrifier.) Perhaps also related to:
"moggy" Br. slang: cat
Supposedly something which results in a cat being killed.
Twitchy Ears Hex
No incantation given
Causes the ears of the victim to wiggle and twitch uncontrollably.
Harry was hit with this Hex as they practiced Hex-Deflection in Defense Against the Dark Arts class
Unbreakable Charm
Incantation not given
Makes an object unbreakable.
Unforgivable Curses
Three curses in particular are known as Unforgivable because using them on another human being can result in a life term
in Azkaban. These three curses were used extensively by Voldemort's followers during his rise to power in the 1970s. Voldemort
himself on Harry Potter used one, the Killing Curse,, but the curse backfired and Voldemort was defeated.
The three curses are:
Cruciatus Curse (Crucio)
Imperius Curse (Imperio)
Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra)
During the Battle of the Department of Mysteries, Harry tried to use the Cruciatus Curse on Bellatrix Lestrange, but it
didn't have much effect. She taunted him:
"Never used an Unforgivable Curse before, have you, boy? You need to mean them, Potter! You need to really cause pain--to
enjoy it--righteous anger won't hurt me for long..."
Incantation not given
A magical effect on a place; makes it impossible to plot its location on a map.
Vanishing Spell
No incantation given
Makes something or someone disappears.
Waddiwasi (wah-di-WAH-see)
"vadd" Sw. a soft mass + "vas y" Fr. go there
It makes sense because Lupin didn't just make a wad of gum leave that keyhole, but directed it into Peeves' nose. (Contributed
by Alina)
Shoots a wad of gum out of a keyhole.
Wand sparks
No incantation given
Emits red or green sparks from the wand, used as a signal
Wand writing
No incantation given
Emits an animated ribbon from the tip of the wand that spells words or forms numbers
Wingardium Leviosa (Win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa)
"Wing" + "arduus" L. high, steep + "levo" L. to raise up, levitate
Causes a feather to levitate.
Wizard Space
Causes objects to hold more than their outer dimensions would seem to allow.